GreenWaste does not collect on Christmas and New Year’s Day. If your regular collection day falls on or after these days, your collection will be delayed by one day. Holiday tree collection is Dec. 26 – Jan. 25. Trees must be unflocked, undecorated (without stand), cut into sections no longer than 5’, and placed curbside on your regular service day.
Woodside’s sorting program is already SB 1383 compliant!
Only yard trimmings are accepted in your green cart. Food scraps must remain in the gray mixed compostables cart and GreenWaste will sort and process the organic material.
Here, more than 80% of materials are diverted from the landfill. Organics material is sorted and transformed into nutrient rich compost at the GreenWaste Composting Facility and recyclable materials are sorted, bailed, and sent for further processing. Learn more about our state-of-the-art facilities.
Omar Lopez, General Manager
Upcoming Events
Holiday Collection Schedule
GreenWaste provides regular collection services on all holidays except New Year’s, Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day. If your collection day falls on or after one of these holidays, your collection will be delayed by one day.
Residents located along a Limited Accessibility Street and/or residents who set their carts On-Premises are provided up to two (2) 96-gallon ADDITIONAL Gray Carts for no additional charge.
Extra Services
ON-CALL CLEAN-UPS: Residents may request up to two (2) On-Call Clean-ups per year at no additional charge. Call Customer Service at least 48-hours in advance to schedule collection of either two (2) bulky items OR three (3) cans of Yard Trimmings.
BULKY ITEM: Residents may request the collection of bulky items (beyond those included in the On-Call Clean Up) for a fee. Call Customer Service at least 48-hours in advance.
MIXED COMPOSTABLES VOUCHER: Residents may utilize two (2) vouchers (provided in the mail annually) to periodically set out up to 96-gal of extra Mixed Compostables at no additional charge.
EXTRA MATERIAL: Residents may place extra material in labeled 32-gal cans or bags for collection at an additional charge. Collection on a day other than the regularly scheduled service day will incur an additional fee.
If using bags: Recyclables must be in a clear or translucent bag, and Yard Trimmings must be in a paper bag.
HOLIDAY TREES: On service day, residents may place unornamented trees (cut to no longer than five (5) foot lengths, shorter preferred) Curbside, next to service carts, for Yard Trimmings collection. Trees are collected for no additional charge between December 26 and January 25 of each year.
USED MOTOR OIL AND FILTERS: Residents may set out used motor oil (in plastic containers with a screw on lid only) and filters (in sealed plastic bags only), next to their Blue Cart, for collection at no additional charge. A free oil jug can be requested by calling Customer Service.
HOUSEHOLD BATTERIES: Residents may set out dry cell household batteries and compact fluorescent light bulbs in a sealed, reusable clear zipper type bag, placed on top of the Blue Cart, for collection at no additional charge.
Billing & Rates
What Goes Where & More
Sorting Resources and Newsletters
Sorting Guidance
- For residents with Yard Trimmings service
- For residents without Yard Trimmings service
Frequently Asked Questions
Residents receive different Base Service options depending on 1) Where carts are set out for service, and 2) The accessibility of the service street.
- Curbside set-out is where carts are placed within 10 feet of an accessible road. Curbside is the standard service included in Base Services rates.
- Residents who set out Curbside along Full Accessibility Streets receive GRAY, BLUE & GREEN carts.
- Residents who set out Curbside along Limited Accessibility Streets receive GRAY & BLUE carts.
- On-Premises service, a concierge private property service, is available to all customers (whether they are on a Full Accessibility Street or a Limited Accessibility Street) for an additional charge.
- Residents who set out On-Premises or along Limited Accessibility Streets receive GRAY & BLUE carts. This means that yard trimmings are placed in the GRAY cart.
Curbside set-out is where carts are set-out for collection within 10 feet of a Full or Limited Accessibility Street. Curbside is the standard service included in Base Services rates.
On-Premises service, a concierge private property service, is available to all customers (whether they are on a Full Accessibility Street or a Limited Accessibility Street) for an additional charge. On-Premises customers participate in two-stream sorting, meaning they receive GRAY and BLUE carts only.
Drive-on Service applies anytime a GreenWaste collection vehicle travels more than 10’ onto a private driveway or road that is shared by no more than two (2) customers. There are tiers for the applicable Drive-on Service rate based on number of feet from the collection vehicle. Drive-on distance charges start at 11’ – 100’ and then additional charges are incurred for each additional 100’ increment. Drive-on Service is not available for GREEN Carts.
Walk-on Service applies when carts are set-out for collection at a location that is greater than 10’ from where a collection vehicle can reasonably access, or where the service is requested by the customer. There are tiers for the applicable Walk-on Service rate based on number of feet from the collection vehicle and also the number of carts beyond Base Services. The tiers are 11’ – 25’, 26′ – 100’ and then additional charges are incurred for each additional 100’ increment. Walk-on Service is not available for GREEN Carts.
Full Accessibility Streets are streets where a customer’s Curbside set-out location is accessible by a standard collection vehicle.
Limited Accessibility Streets are streets where:
- the set-out locations can only be accessed by a smaller collection vehicle, and
- three (3) or more customers receive collection services
An enclosure is a fully or partially enclosed natural or constructed structure that requires the driver to open a gate or door or otherwise maneuver the structure in order to access the containers. An enclosure fee applies if the driver is not provided clear, unhindered access to the containers due to the presence of the enclosure.
You have several options available for no additional charge.
- Take advantage of the Town-wide Clean-up Events that occur three (3) times each year (dates are determined annually and are included in newsletters and posted online).
- Take advantage of the two (2) on-call clean up events provided each year at no additional charge. These are scheduled at your convenience and include the collection of Yard Trimmings and clean (unpainted and untreated) wood in a bundle, box or can.
- Utilize your two (2) Mixed Compostables vouchers provided annually at no additional charge. These vouchers will be mailed to customers annually with the February bill.
Regulatory Requirements
For Woodside residents, GreenWaste provides both a mixed organics stream (Gray Cart) and a source separated organics stream (Green Cart). Food scraps, food soiled paper, and other organics are recovered from the Gray Cart at the GreenWaste MRF, which serves as a high diversion organic waste processing facility.
Billing & Rates
What Goes Where & More
- What Goes Where
- For businesses with Yard Trimmings service
- For businesses without Yard Trimmings service
Regulatory Requirements
MANDATORY ORGANICS RECYCLING: California Assembly Bill 1826 (AB1826) was signed into law in 2014, mandating organics recycling for businesses in California. All businesses in California producing 2 cubic yards or more of total generated material per week are required to subscribe to organic material collection services. Since GreenWaste processes the Mixed Compostables, all businesses are automatically compliant with this regulation.
SHORT-LIVED CLIMATE POLLUTANT REDUCATION STRATEGY: California Senate Bill 1383, effective January 1, 2022, requires all Californians to subscribe to their jurisdiction’s organics curbside collection service.
For Woodside businesses, GreenWaste provides a mixed organics stream (Gray Cart) and a source separated organics stream (Green Cart). Food scraps, food soiled paper, and other organics are recovered from the Gray Cart at the GreenWaste MRF, which serves as a high diversion organic waste processing facility.
Businesses are required to provide properly labeled and/or color-coded containers in all areas where disposal containers are provided, except in restrooms. Annually, businesses must educate employees, contractors, customers, and tenants on how to properly sort organic waste, and all of these users are required to properly sort these materials into the correct containers.
Processing & Disposal Summary
MIXED COMPOSTABLES are delivered to the GreenWaste MSW MRF for processing. The compostable fraction is then transported to Z-Best in Gilroy for Post Consumer Organics Composting. | |
RECYCLABLE MATERIALS are delivered to the GreenWaste Single-Stream Recyclables MRF for processing. | |
YARD TRIMMINGS are delivered to the GreenWaste Yard Trimmings MRF for initial processing. The compostable fraction is then transported to Z-Best in Gilroy for Yard Trimmings Composting. |
Local Community Contacts
GreenWaste Recovery |
Local Office
610 E. Gish Rd.
San Jose, CA 95112
San Mateo County |
Office of Sustainability
455 County Center, 4th Floor
Redwood City, CA 94063